So today I finally took the initiative to leave Kurt with Kylee and Kade to upload some pictures. (Thankfully for him I put Kylee to bed before I left, so he has only had one child at a time to deal with.) It has taken so long because we do not have Internet at our house and anytime we are at his parents I am either: A) chasing Kylee, B) nursing Kade, C) trying to take care of my horse, or D) Kurt is on the computer. I finally just gave up and came over to our clubhouse to use their Internet.
Here are pictures from what Kylee and I have been up to before little brother's arrival. Thankfully Kylee helped keep my busy so the time ticked by faster as we waited for Kade's arrival.
Nature Girl: she has loved sitting, hiding, and picking the flowers in the empty lots that surround our apartment complex.
Starting early: She loves riding four-wheelers and dirtbikes with mom and dad. This is the only one that she can actually ride by herself though.
If the Shoe doesn't Fit, Wear it Anyways: This girl LOVES trying on ANYONE'S shoes that have been left out. Her favorite shoes are her cousin's Jane's (6 year-old niece.)
Mowing the Lawn: Just like Grandma does-boots are an added feature though
Party Crashing: Yep, Kylee has already learned the art of crashing parties at the age of 2. We joined a friend at her neice's party and Kylee could not help but join in on the festivities.
Mrs. Potato Head: So some of Kylee's toys are still packed until we move at the end of summer. That doesn't keep her from playing with some of the odds and ends she has found from mom's not so good packing job. Oops!
Puddle Jumper: While waiting for Grandma at the nursery Kylee loved splashing and jumping through all the puddles. The end result was a sopping wet, happy child that had no pants on the ride home.
Splish-Splash: Kylee loves playing in any water that she can find (even if it is just buckets and tubberware containers). She is modeling her new swimsuit that Grandma got for her.
Last but not Least: "Why did the jackrabbit cross the road? To be brought home by Kurt and his dad as a welcome home gift." Kurt and his dad had hit this jackrabbit on their way home from Montana and had not even realized it. Jan and I were in for a surprise the next morning when we saw it on the front of the car. (Yep, that puddle under the rabbit is blood). Guess who was the lucky one to take this rabbit out of the car? Yep, me. No one else would do it. Kurt had the tenacity to actually record his 8 month pregnant wife pulling a rabbit's butt out of the car's vent and radiator. I don't ever want to hear that girls are faint at heart. In this case, Kurt is faint at heart. Sheesh!