There was never a dull moment for Douglas. Poor guy is going to have to catch up on his beauty rest once he returns home. What dog could not enjoy 5 walks a day, plenty of scratching and treats, at least 2 games of fetch, and trips to the dog park? What a life!
Douglas did not waste anytime at settling in and feeling at home. As soon as he arrived he scouted out the area, found a squeaky toy and went about business. (Looks like Sadie has some competition for her Santa Clause toy).

Later that day Roxy game over for a playdate. Douglas had some competition in a game of fetch. No matter how fast he ran, there were times Roxy would just get to the ball faster than him.

He even tried perching on the beanbag, but he forgot Roxy can jump. Sorry Douglas.

There were several trips made to the dog parks, Utah and Shirlington, where Douglas made some friends and had some fun. Douglas is usually more of a people dog, than a dog dog, but he really enjoyed playing with and chasing some puppies and dogs that were about three times his size. They had legs like pogo sticks compared to his, but he made a good effort at trying to catch up.

Kylee made a best friend, Douglas. She loved playing fetch and feeding him his treats. A game of fetch could not be played without Kylee throwing and chasing after the ball. One of her favorite activities was having Douglas follow her all around the apartment when she was holding his ball. They would go around and around for sometimes thirty minutes. I don't know where they get all of their energy to just keep going and going.
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