Monday, January 17, 2011

Telly, Jasper, & Pudge: Lions, Tigers, and Dogs...Oh My!

It can be quite the zoo over at Telly’s and Jasper’s. You never know what kind of creatures you may find. Kylee gets so excited to visit because she gets to see so many different animals. The chinchilla and ferret were treated to some scratching and attention.
Jasper and Telly were joined by their half-brother Pudge over the weekend. They loved being outside for their walks and enjoyed making some new friends, both canine and human. Telly and Jasper never got too tired of playing ball or from stealing one another’s ball, even though there were two. (Watching little Jasper try to carry two tennis balls in his mouth was pretty hilarious.) Pudge was smart and let them duke it out while he received some extra love and attention.

Telly, Jasper, and Pudge were very spoiled whenever Kylee came to visit because she insisted on sharing treats with each of them before we left. You lucky dogs!

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