Kylee and I hope that you all had a great Halloween.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween from Tiffany & Kylee!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Today Douglas decided to embark on a little adventure. Instead of sticking to the main sidewalks in his neighborhood, he decided to try something new. We went out for an adventure back between his apartment complex and another, The Aventine.
We have explored a little back there before. (There is a pond with some ducks that Douglas likes to check out once in awhile.) Well today, the ducks were just not going to cut it. We went past the pond and into the forested area. After going about 100 ft., Douglas realized he might have gotten himself into a little more than he expected, but that did not stop him from further venturing among the trees.
It was so funny to watch his little legs carry him over big rocks, through little creeks, and over fallen trees. Even through some of the roughest and brush-laden areas, he would blaze a trail through one way or another. It ended up paying off in the end. He was able to chase some squirrels and chipmunks who had underestimated his speed. The most exciting things Douglas spotted were two deer. One took off right away once it saw us, but the other stuck around to watch us and to see if we were really anything to be afraid of. After several minutes it took off once Douglas and I were in the creek bed with it. (Hopefully Douglas had enough adventure for today.)
We have explored a little back there before. (There is a pond with some ducks that Douglas likes to check out once in awhile.) Well today, the ducks were just not going to cut it. We went past the pond and into the forested area. After going about 100 ft., Douglas realized he might have gotten himself into a little more than he expected, but that did not stop him from further venturing among the trees.
It was so funny to watch his little legs carry him over big rocks, through little creeks, and over fallen trees. Even through some of the roughest and brush-laden areas, he would blaze a trail through one way or another. It ended up paying off in the end. He was able to chase some squirrels and chipmunks who had underestimated his speed. The most exciting things Douglas spotted were two deer. One took off right away once it saw us, but the other stuck around to watch us and to see if we were really anything to be afraid of. After several minutes it took off once Douglas and I were in the creek bed with it. (Hopefully Douglas had enough adventure for today.)

Friday, October 29, 2010
Snoopy: It's a Bird! It's a Plane! No! It's Superman!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Douglas: "May the Force be with You"
Murphy: Berries
All of the berries are falling off the bushes and trees right now. Murphy loves to sniff them and try to eat them.

It is very hard to keep an inquisitive pup from eating the hundreds of berries that we walk past daily. They are just everywhere! We have conquered so far! Only one or two berries have been snuck so far. (You should see how sly Murphy tries to be when he is trying to sneak a berry.) I think I underestimate his sneakiness. :)

It is very hard to keep an inquisitive pup from eating the hundreds of berries that we walk past daily. They are just everywhere! We have conquered so far! Only one or two berries have been snuck so far. (You should see how sly Murphy tries to be when he is trying to sneak a berry.) I think I underestimate his sneakiness. :)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Jake & Charlotte: All Dressed Up

The best part is Jake, if he could have his way, would have preferred getting this costume off the back of his own mailman. You should see the sudden fury that comes from Jake whenever the mailman approaches on his turf. It's like a Dr. Jackle and Mr. Hyde.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Blue: Flower, I Think?
Wow! Was I in for a surprise when I arrived at Blue's to take her out for a walk. Blue was so excited for Halloween that she got dressed up several days early. (I think she was shooting for a flower.)
Blue had to make a surprise visit to the vet today after hurting her dewclaw over the weekend. It had to be removed, so to keep her from licking it and causing infection, she was the proud winner of this awesome blue cone. (It really brings out her eyes.)
It was quite the experience taking her out for a walk. It took quite a bit of trial and error for Blue to walk around and sniff without tripping or walking on the bottom of her cone. I just could not stop laughing either while I watched her walking around. It is just so funny to see her from behind. The mailman c0uldn't hold back his laughter either when he first spotted Flower Blue. He just shook his head. Several neighbors were smiling and chuckling as well.
I have to give credit to Blue that she held her head high and is willing to go through this all again tomorrow. Good luck Blue!

It was quite the experience taking her out for a walk. It took quite a bit of trial and error for Blue to walk around and sniff without tripping or walking on the bottom of her cone. I just could not stop laughing either while I watched her walking around. It is just so funny to see her from behind. The mailman c0uldn't hold back his laughter either when he first spotted Flower Blue. He just shook his head. Several neighbors were smiling and chuckling as well.

Snoopy: Tag, Your It!
As I have mentioned before, there have been several new puppies that have moved into Snoopy's and Murphy's neighborhood. This newest addition is Nena, the Pit Bull puppy.
At the first sniff, Snoopy and Nena actually did not hit it off. Snoopy must have just gotten a bad sniff or two because he started to growl. So we went our own way. A few days later though when Nena was laying down, Snoopy showed interest and started to wag his tail.
Now whenever we see Nena, Snoopy will whimper and pull on his leash until he can say hello and play a short game of wrestling. (This mainly involves Snoopy running and pouncing all over Nena while she lays there and rolls around.) She is very good about her size.

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Douglas: "Wag Hotel"
This past weekend Douglas went on a little vacation and stayed at “Wag” Hotel. (AKA-my apartment). Each day was filled with some fun packed activities. There never was a dull moment. (As proof, I was told that Douglas fell asleep while sitting up and watching his mom eat dinner when they returned home after his vacation.)
Who says cats and dogs can’t get a long? That would probably have been my cat, Sadie. Douglas is very much the gentleman and does not mind sharing his hotel facilities with another furry creature of a different species. It took Sadie a bit of convincing, but they eventually were caught relaxing and dozing in the company of one another.
Meet mischief and mayhem. (The name may be a little misleading because no harm was done.) Where ever Kylee went, Douglas followed. And it was the other way around too. Kylee was always so excited to see Douglas whenever she woke up from naps or we returned from walking dogs or running errands. If Kylee was ever exploring or trying to get into something, Douglas was always there to further check out the situation or to see if he could lend a paw or two.
There were plenty of play dates with other pups and many opportunities to play fetch with Douglas’ favorite squeaky balls. We played until he lost interest or he was too tired to lift a paw anymore.

My only question is where can I sign myself up for a hotel like this for humans?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Riley & Murphy: All Around the Mulberry Bush....
So as the song goes: "All Around the Mulberry Bush the Monkey Chased the Weasel." This can be the theme song to Riley and Murphy's games of chase.
This song specifically fits best when Murphy has the toy. Murphy is really good at out maneuvering Riley. He can twist, turn, and dodge Riley with ease.
Whenever this occurs Riley will get so frustrated. His plan of attack is all speed and brawn, not swift and nimble. Riley will look to me with pleading eyes and start to bark at Murphy telling him to knock it off. (I guess he thinks I am the referee.)

This song specifically fits best when Murphy has the toy. Murphy is really good at out maneuvering Riley. He can twist, turn, and dodge Riley with ease.

Whenever this occurs Riley will get so frustrated. His plan of attack is all speed and brawn, not swift and nimble. Riley will look to me with pleading eyes and start to bark at Murphy telling him to knock it off. (I guess he thinks I am the referee.)

Jake & Charlotte: The Squirrelbusters
Who ya gonna call squirrelbusters
If it's somethin' bushy tailed an beady eyed
Who ya gonna call squirrelbusters!
I ain't afraid a no squirrel
If you're seein' things runnin' thru your yard
Who can you call squirrelbusters
A squirrel in your house eatin' your food
Oh who ya gonna call squirrelbusters
I ain't afraid a no squirrel
I ain't afraid a no squirrel
Who ya gonna call squirrelbusters
If you're all alone pick up the phone
An call squirrelbusters!
Happy Halloween!

It is still a little over a week away, but it will be here before we know it. I would love to have you all share your Halloween pictures with me so I can post them on the blog for everyone to see. I am looking forward to seeing everyone's creativity with their pet's costumes. (I have cheated and already seen a few of the cute costumes.) Even if you don't plan to dress up your pup, there will still be plenty of candid Halloween moments to share.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Blue: Ready, Set...GO!!!
Blue has learned the routine that whenever she sees Kylee and I, she knows she is about to go for a walk. She gets so excited and starts giving kisses and jumps everywhere. (You would never know this girl is getting old.) She can barely contain herself while waiting for us to open the backdoor and the gate.
She usually has so much energy at first that she loves to bite and tug her leash until we get going. Then to get her extra energy out, we usually run for about a block or a little less.

This picture was taken right after one of those short runs. She was looking at Kylee and I like, why are you stopping? We just got started.
She usually has so much energy at first that she loves to bite and tug her leash until we get going. Then to get her extra energy out, we usually run for about a block or a little less.
This picture was taken right after one of those short runs. She was looking at Kylee and I like, why are you stopping? We just got started.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Murphy: The Sandpit
There is a random sandpit over behind some apartments in Murphy’s complex. I do not know its purpose or if it was just made because they did not know what do to with leftover sand.
This can sometimes be one of Murphy’s favorite spots to stop and sniff.
There are times he could care less to check out this place, but there are times that he can spend almost his entire walk sniffing, digging, and licking up any small surprises he digs up.

Monday, October 18, 2010
Snoopy: Fetch!
Over the last two months Snoopy will not take "no" for an answer to a game of fetch after his walk. As soon as his harness is taken off he will run over to his pile of toys and pick out that week’s favorite toy.
Sometimes it’s a squeaky ball, his Halloween bone, or his squeaky newspaper. He loves for you to tug and pull on his toy for a little before you throw it. (He thinks he is such a tough little guy.)
He will then race after it as quickly as his little legs can go and then rush back to you. If you are not paying attention when he returns (such as you are writing something down) he will make his presence known. He is not afraid to bark and jump up and down until you start playing with him again. (A new toy duck has replaced newspaper.)

He will then race after it as quickly as his little legs can go and then rush back to you. If you are not paying attention when he returns (such as you are writing something down) he will make his presence known. He is not afraid to bark and jump up and down until you start playing with him again. (A new toy duck has replaced newspaper.)
Apache & Meatball: When Parents are Away, the Puppies will Play
Yep, you heard right - Meatball. Just like spaghetti and meatballs.
These two are American Bulldogs that are gentle giants. Well, Apache might not be tipping the scales, but Meatball makes up for the two of them weighing at 120 lbs (and he is not even quite 1-years-old yet). This made it interesting walking 180 lbs. of muscle, but they were both very well-behaved.
You would think with the size of this guy that nothing would bother him or scare him. Wrong! Meet the terrifying balloons. One of his neighbors was having a party and placed balloons outside on the railing. He would not walk past unless I held the balloons and he was sure they were not going to blow by him. It took quite a bit of coaxing.
Who is a little bedbug? Apache. She lived life to the fullest while her parents were away. Every time I would come to visit she would dart for the door, but I started noticing pillows and blankets moving down the bed with each visit. Finally, one visit I was really sneaky and I was able to catch her in the act. (Just to have you know, one time she actually wormed the blanket all the way down and all four pillows were on the floor.) She definitely enjoyed herself.
Apache and Meatball worked on keeping their striking figures with four walks a day and plenty of chase and wrestling.
I hired Kurt, my husband, to come over during their last walk for the night to wrestle with Meatball. I figured he had a better chance of surviving the wrestling match than I did since Meatball weighs as much as I do.
Apache loved when Kylee came along for walks and made sure she was not short on love and kisses.
These two even made a trip to a nearby dog park where they met and played with several new friends.

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Riley & Murphy: Treats
It is so cute how these two guys get over the sound of me getting into the treat jar or over the word "treat." I have never seen such puppy dog eyes or so much drool. Riley can create a pond of drool just over me holding his treat for more than 10 seconds. Yummy!

When Murphy was just a puppy and learning to go up and down the stairs it took quite a bit of convincing to get him to climb the flight of stairs to just be placed in his crate. This is when the wonderful word "treat" came in. He learned quickly that he would receive two treats if he went upstairs and then sat inside his crate. Thank you treats! My arms and back appreciated the day when Murphy no longer had to be carried up the flights of stairs.
When Murphy was just a puppy and learning to go up and down the stairs it took quite a bit of convincing to get him to climb the flight of stairs to just be placed in his crate. This is when the wonderful word "treat" came in. He learned quickly that he would receive two treats if he went upstairs and then sat inside his crate. Thank you treats! My arms and back appreciated the day when Murphy no longer had to be carried up the flights of stairs.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Jake and Blue: Dangerous Packages
I do not know what it is about the UPS truck in particular, but Jake and Blue both have something against it. The two can hear it about a mile away and already know that it is the UPS truck and not anything else. Blue usually barks once or twice and then will want to lunge and chase after it. While Jake sounds like an UPS radar. His bark gets louder and faster as the truck gets closer. He is like your own personal UPS tracker.
The truck driver of the UPS truck in Jake’s area now knows us by girl walking two dogs that think he is trying to sneak deadly packages into their home. At least I always get a smile and wave. For some reason, neither could care less about the FedEx truck. Imagine that.
The mailman is another character that needs to be closely watched because you never know when he is coming or what he is going to shove through your door. Blue still gets excited about the truck, but she now LOVES to say hello to the mailman. She will drag you across the street during a walk just to jump up and say hi. Jake on the other hand, wants to show the mailman who is boss and acts very tough, even when he is all the way across the parking lot. They must know something we don’t.

Snoopy: Memories
Snoopy and Kylee were reminiscing on memories a few weeks ago. (I forgot I had these pictures.) While I was filling out Snoopy’s journal and Daily Dog Report I could see that Snoopy and Kylee were both in the bathroom. Doing what? I had no idea.
I snuck into the bathroom, camera ready, to see what awaited me. I was expecting a mess, with Kylee being the culprit. I was in for a nice surprise. Kylee and Snoopy were looking at all of his pictures and cards. Kylee would point to each picture of Snoopy and then look at him and start panting. (She seemed to really like the pictures where both her and Snoopy were in them together.)

Monday, October 11, 2010
Murphy: Can't Touch This
On our walk today we went past a barbecue. This is one of Murphy’s favorite spots to check out because after a nice sunny weekend there are usually some pretty tantalizing scents to smell. Well, today must have been his lucky day because there were not only scents to smell, but also some samples to taste test.
Before I knew it there was a piece of a T-bone steak in Murphy’s mouth. It was amazing to watch how quickly it went from nose sniffing bone to bone in the mouth. Murphy was so proud of his newly found treasure.
I made the attempt to retrieve the bone from his mouth since I did not know where it had been, etc., Murphy probably thought this was the most ridiculous thought that had crossed my mind. The sad thing is I had a leash, but still could not outmaneuver Murphy. He was dodging and running and ducking. I failed miserably.

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Telly & Jasper: A Dog's Life
Pudge was able to join us for a few walks and a fun game of fetch until Friday night, when his dad picked him up.
Telly and Jasper had a weekend full of adventures. They went on some short and long walks. They worked on their puppy physic's with running in the evenings. Their puppy social life was increased with meeting so many new girls and guys in and out of the neighborhood.
They even found some time to stretch out in the grass and work on their suntans and upkeep the natural blond glow of their puppy locks.
These two were packed full of energy. They just kept going, going and going. I can proudly say that I actually was able to wear them out during the weekend. (This is a pretty amazing feat.) We ran and played fetch until they were too tired to chase after the ball anymore. I wore Jasper and Telly out to the point that they both just laid down on the floor and sat there panting when we returned to their house.

Saturday, October 9, 2010
How Do You Know Your Child is a Dog?
1) She willingly goes into a crate. She will even be happy to hang out in it for about 30 minutes while her mom takes care of other pups.
2) She laps up water from a watering dish. Her father is not too happy about this one.
3) She throws and fetches her own balls. She is self-entertaining.
4) She chews on and carries dog toys in her mouth. Another gross, but funny thing.
5) She pants like a dog. Especially when she sees a dog.
6) She eats leaves and flowers.
7) She chases cats. Poor Sadie, she always has to keep an eye out.

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