I do not know what it is about the UPS truck in particular, but Jake and Blue both have something against it. The two can hear it about a mile away and already know that it is the UPS truck and not anything else. Blue usually barks once or twice and then will want to lunge and chase after it. While Jake sounds like an UPS radar. His bark gets louder and faster as the truck gets closer. He is like your own personal UPS tracker.

The truck driver of the UPS truck in Jake’s area now knows us by girl walking two dogs that think he is trying to sneak deadly packages into their home. At least I always get a smile and wave. For some reason, neither could care less about the FedEx truck. Imagine that.

The mailman is another character that needs to be closely watched because you never know when he is coming or what he is going to shove through your door. Blue still gets excited about the truck, but she now LOVES to say hello to the mailman. She will drag you across the street during a walk just to jump up and say hi. Jake on the other hand, wants to show the mailman who is boss and acts very tough, even when he is all the way across the parking lot. They must know something we don’t.
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