Thursday, October 7, 2010

Snoopy: It's a Bird, It's a Plane! Nope, It's Just a Tree...

During our walk we were exploring an area behind the apartments where there are a lot of trees in the area. Some of these trees are very close to the apartments so if it is a windy day, they brush against the apartments creating noise.
Every time a gust of wind came by a screeching sound would start and Snoopy would immediately stop whatever he was doing. He would get wide-eyed and look all around him, trying to figure out what was creating that noise. There were even several times he would actually jump and freeze when the sound surprised him.After walking up to the culprit tree and looking up, Snoopy finally realized his mysterious screeching ghost was only a tree. The look on his face afterward was priceless. Relieved, but also trying to look tough and that he had not been scared in the first place.

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