Monday, February 7, 2011

Blue: A Sneak Peak at her Day

Sometimes just in 30 minutes Blue can experience a whole day's worth of excitement during one walk. Today was one of those days.

You cannot sneak pass Blue without giving and receiving a greeting from her: wet sloppy KISSES. You can try to hide and avoid them, but she is going to get you somehow. The worst are when you try the hardest to escape, but she plants one right on your mouth. (Sad to say, she made it in my mouth once when I went to say something to Kylee.)

Even though Blue is getting up there in dog years, this does not stop her from a nice SPRINT for the first 50 to 100 feet of her walk. This is only stopped by a quick potty break and a quick sneak attack on Kylee's PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY SANDWICH. She still can amaze Kylee and I with her speed. She just goes straight in for the kill and usually succeeds at least once. (You wise up pretty quickly and start watching your snacks closer.)

A walk is not complete without the spotting of a squirrel here and there. And on rare occasions, such as today, a CAT! She has feline radar where she can spot one from hundreds of feet away. This cat was weighing the decision to cross the street, but once it saw Blue, she literally high-tailed it to the bushes. (This cat disappeared in under 5 seconds.)

Blue was able to show off her brute strength and ferocity, (she is really a sweetheart, but don't let the other dogs know that), to a neighboring DOG that decided to rush the fence in her presence. What was this dog thinking? Wouldn't any dog quake in its fur after watching Blue shake a branch into a 4 inch stick?

The walk would not be complete without an attempt to HERD a passing van and a quick stop at the WATER BOWL and a yummy DOG BISCUIT upon the return to her home. I sure hope we wore you out Blue for your family.

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