Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Murphy: Bird Huntin'

So Murphy has a love for birds. It may not be as strong as his love for treats and playing with other dogs, but it is pretty high up there. He gets excited to chase birds when they are on the ground. He loves to watch birds flying in the air. He loves to sniff and attempt to eat feathers or other little unpleasant surprises that can be found sometimes (bird related). Murphy has even had one instance with his owner and one with me where he has gotten a bird in his mouth that we have had to quickly remove.
So pretty much in a nut shell, Murphy's dream is to someday catch a live bird. Well, on our walk today he was not able to actually get up close to a real bird, but he found something else pretty exciting: a bird nest!

At first he did not know what to think about it; it was a little spooky. Quickly though he caught the scent of what had been in it and just could not get enough of it. He would try to smash his whole nose in it to get the full "smell" effect. I had a hard time convincing him to leave this prize after he thoroughly examined it for 5 minutes.

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