Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We originally planned to be in Colorado for Halloween but we made a last minute change in plans. Instead, Kylee and Kade were able to spend a last day hanging out in Rexburg with the family.
Kade wore his Halloween pajamas with a little pumpkin hat while Kylee dressed up as a cowgirl; horse included.
Now before you start thinking too much, I did not choose Kylee's costume for her. I actually thought she was going to be a ladybug. After sifting through her cousin's old costumes this is what Kylee chose. I will admit to being ecstatic about her decision though.
Along the way we stopped at papa's shop where Kylee enjoyed trying out every single snow machine, dirt bike, and motorcycle. That took awhile.
Kade was dragged along with Kylee to go trick-or-treating. Poor guy can't eat any of the treats. (However, mom was given a few treats for carrying brother. Score for mom!)
After trick-or-treating we had a little party for all of the cousins. Kylee was thrilled to see everyone's candy and to have a final good-bye until Christmas.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sneak Peek

So I know this outfit did not take a lot of thinking or creativity, but it is pretty darn cute. Kylee's baby tiger costume is hidden in a box somewhere so I had to come up a with a Plan B for Kade.
Kylee is still trying to decide what she is going to be. We have a costume that she chose herself. However, the question is will she wear it?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Three Months Old

Some people, who will remain nameless, have commented on how behind I am on taking up-to-date pictures of Kade.

Well, here are two pictures I took yesterday.
You can't get much more up-to-date than that. Ha! :)
By the way, Kade is 3 months old now. Big accomplishment for such a little guys: he has survived me, his sister Kylee, and his 9 cousins.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kade...Better Late Than Never (right?)

So this is a little overdue in coming, but better late than never.

 Here are some pictures that we had taken when Kade was about 2 weeks old.

 This was the true side of Kylee for about the first 3 weeks of Kade's life. She did not realize how much bigger and heavier she was than Kade and could not understand why he kept crying every time she smothered him.
 Poor guy. He was a good sport though.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall, Apples, and Horses

I have LOVED having my horse right in the backyard. It is great to just walk right outside and be able to mess around with my her. It was so hard for me to wait until I had recovered from my c-section before I could ride Sage. (Maybe this is why I started riding 2 1/2 weeks after I had Kade - everyone was gone at Bear Lake...oops:)).
Kylee has enjoyed visiting Rebel and Sage on a daily basis and giving them treats: apples and corn husks. This little girl has no fear and will sidle right up next to the horses to pet them, will ride them bareback, and feed them treats. (Maybe I have a little horse buddy in the making?)
We have been enjoying the apple trees in the backyard and Kylee enjoys making regular trips to pick her own apples to eat and share with the horses.

This was Kylee's reaction when we told her she was going to have another brother or sister in a few years. Just kidding. Talk about perfect picture opportunity. She bit off a little more than she could chew.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Last of the Summer Days

It no longer feels like summer here. (Not a big shocker to anyone that is familiar with this area.) One day it was 90 degrees, and then the next was in the 60s and you needed a sweatshirt. We have had a fun and busy summer!
Kylee has loved having Grandma and all of her nieces to play with. One of her favorite places is Grandma's backyard to play. She also loves making her daily bike ride trips down to Lou's to play with the kittens and get her daily "treats."
Kade keeps growing like a weed. He now loves to interact with anyone that is willing to give him some attention. This little boy just can't help talking and smiling. (Yep, he can be pretty loud right in the middle of sacrament just like his sister.)
Kylee has gotten really good at riding her bike while being here. She has now learned how to pick her legs up and balance. She also loves riding down hills and the whoops at a nearby dirtbike track. Crazy girl.
As you can see, the cat has enjoyed her stay and feels right at home. Poor Jan. She has been a real trooper with dealing with this little feline since she greatly dislikes cats and has one walking around her house. Thank you Jan!
A big change in Kylee that I have LOVED has been her becoming less clingy to me. This has been a big deal because before Kade was born she would throw fits if anyone did something for her other than me. Since Kade's birth, Kylee and Kurt have become a lot closer, which has been wonderful for them both. Whenever he is gone though this side starts to come back out. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Jenny's Lake - Jackson Hole

So there are a lot of pictures, but I just could not decide which ones I wanted to post. Oh well, this should make up for the lack of pictures for the past month.
About three weeks ago Kurt and I made a trip with both kids over to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. To Kurt's surprise, it went exceptionally well. Just took a lot longer on the drive with two kids (Kylee hungry or Kade needing to nurse.)
We drove over to Jenny's Lake and rode the boat across to hike to Hidden Falls. The whole time Kylee was pointing out the fish she supposedly saw.
Kylee did great on the hike. It was only a 1/2 mile in and then back out, but it was steep and had a lot of tree roots and rocks. Kylee even walked faster than most of the adults that had traveled on the boat with us.
As you can see by the picture, Kade was pretty tired from his strenuous hike. (It is hard work to boss your mom around and tell her to go faster or walk more gently so the ride is not so bumpy.)
Kylee went and played in the lake while I fed Kade. Even though the water is freezing, this did not stop her from wading out and getting completely soaked.
After Jenny's Lake we stopped at all of our favorite place in Jackson: the candy store. Kade still has about a year before he will learn about the joy of candy. Poor guy. You should have seen how big Kylee's eyes got when we handed her a basket and told her to go pick out what she wanted. It was like Christmas for her.
Kylee thought she was pretty cool when she got to "drive" the car. Good thing she did not realize that she was not getting anywhere fast.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's Official!

So we have been waiting, waiting, and waiting to find out where we would be moving to at the end of this summer. It has been one heck of a rollercoaster ride, but we have finally been given a job.
Kurt received his "official" phone call on Monday and we will be moving to Pagosa Springs, CO sometime at the end of October. We were hoping to be moving next week, but things have taken a lot longer to process so he will not start work until the end of October or beginning of November. Oh well, more time to do stuff around Idaho. Kurt will be working in Dulce, NM and have to make a 40-50 mile commute twice everyday, but this area looks like it will be a fun place to live the next 2-3 years.
This place looks like it is going to be a dream come true for Sage and I: Horse Haven. Kurt is looking forward to skiing, snowmobiling and dirt biking as well. If any of you every feel like you need a vacation, we would love to have you stop by.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


So I have already not been too good at taking pictures of Kade. Kurt is the one that has been responsible for taking any pictures so far, so thank goodness for him. Otherwise, I would have nothing to show on this post. I need to work on getting some pictures of Kylee and Kade together. (They have their cute moments of her giving him hugs, kisses, or trying to share a toy or treat with him.)
Little boy at the hospital. Only one day old. I will have to post a picture of Kylee and Kade at the same age side-by-side. It is crazy how similar the two look. It will be interesting to see how much Kade will change as he gets older.
Favorite activities: drinking milk and sleeping. This little guy is SO HARD to keep awake. I know I should count this as a blessing, especially since I already have one 2-year-old to keep up with, but it tends to get a little frustrating during breast feeding. This guy can barely stay away for 10 minutes as soon as he starts nursing. This turns breastfeeding into a easy hour process.
Grandpa Golden: This is where Kade inherited his middle name. His Great Grandpa is so thrilled to have the first Linford boy born into the family (keep in mind Kurt is the only boy in his family.)
Four generations of Linfords: Golden, Kent, Kurt and now Kade
One of Kade's famous expressions: this was after Kylee gave him a kiss and hug good night. He is such a champion on dealing with some of the things Kylee has done to this little guy so far.
Hanging out in his pajamas.
This pictures is just for Kurt: He can't get over how long his toes are. I call it the monkey toe syndrome where is big toe spread far from the rest.

Pictures! Finally!

So today I finally took the initiative to leave Kurt with Kylee and Kade to upload some pictures. (Thankfully for him I put Kylee to bed before I left, so he has only had one child at a time to deal with.) It has taken so long because we do not have Internet at our house and anytime we are at his parents I am either: A) chasing Kylee, B) nursing Kade, C) trying to take care of my horse, or D) Kurt is on the computer. I finally just gave up and came over to our clubhouse to use their Internet.

Here are pictures from what Kylee and I have been up to before little brother's arrival. Thankfully Kylee helped keep my busy so the time ticked by faster as we waited for Kade's arrival.

Nature Girl: she has loved sitting, hiding, and picking the flowers in the empty lots that surround our apartment complex.
Starting early: She loves riding four-wheelers and dirtbikes with mom and dad. This is the only one that she can actually ride by herself though.
If the Shoe doesn't Fit, Wear it Anyways: This girl LOVES trying on ANYONE'S shoes that have been left out. Her favorite shoes are her cousin's Jane's (6 year-old niece.)
Mowing the Lawn: Just like Grandma does-boots are an added feature though
Party Crashing: Yep, Kylee has already learned the art of crashing parties at the age of 2. We joined a friend at her neice's party and Kylee could not help but join in on the festivities.
Mrs. Potato Head: So some of Kylee's toys are still packed until we move at the end of summer. That doesn't keep her from playing with some of the odds and ends she has found from mom's not so good packing job. Oops!
Puddle Jumper: While waiting for Grandma at the nursery Kylee loved splashing and jumping through all the puddles. The end result was a sopping wet, happy child that had no pants on the ride home.
Splish-Splash: Kylee loves playing in any water that she can find (even if it is just buckets and tubberware containers). She is modeling her new swimsuit that Grandma got for her. 

Last but not Least: "Why did the jackrabbit cross the road? To be brought home by Kurt and his dad as a welcome home gift." Kurt and his dad had hit this jackrabbit on their way home from Montana and had not even realized it. Jan and I were in for a surprise the next morning when we saw it on the front of the car. (Yep, that puddle under the rabbit is blood). Guess who was the lucky one to take this rabbit out of the car? Yep, me. No one else would do it. Kurt had the tenacity to actually record his 8 month pregnant wife pulling a rabbit's butt out of the car's vent and radiator. I don't ever want to hear that girls are faint at heart. In this case, Kurt is faint at heart. Sheesh!