Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Last of the Summer Days

It no longer feels like summer here. (Not a big shocker to anyone that is familiar with this area.) One day it was 90 degrees, and then the next was in the 60s and you needed a sweatshirt. We have had a fun and busy summer!
Kylee has loved having Grandma and all of her nieces to play with. One of her favorite places is Grandma's backyard to play. She also loves making her daily bike ride trips down to Lou's to play with the kittens and get her daily "treats."
Kade keeps growing like a weed. He now loves to interact with anyone that is willing to give him some attention. This little boy just can't help talking and smiling. (Yep, he can be pretty loud right in the middle of sacrament just like his sister.)
Kylee has gotten really good at riding her bike while being here. She has now learned how to pick her legs up and balance. She also loves riding down hills and the whoops at a nearby dirtbike track. Crazy girl.
As you can see, the cat has enjoyed her stay and feels right at home. Poor Jan. She has been a real trooper with dealing with this little feline since she greatly dislikes cats and has one walking around her house. Thank you Jan!
A big change in Kylee that I have LOVED has been her becoming less clingy to me. This has been a big deal because before Kade was born she would throw fits if anyone did something for her other than me. Since Kade's birth, Kylee and Kurt have become a lot closer, which has been wonderful for them both. Whenever he is gone though this side starts to come back out. 

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