Monday, March 14, 2011

Riley & Murphy: Dog Walking Club

Riley and Murphy were almost positive today that they were being left out of something good that was happening across the street. Several of the local dog walkers ended up having walks all at the same time and ended up getting together to do a little talking and to let their dogs say hello and play a little.
Riley and Murphy just kept sitting and watching them to see what they were up to. They wanted to make sure they were not being left out of anything too good. (At one time there were about 5 dogs in the group.)
I felt bad that they could only be included from afar, but I was not ready to handle two big labs with 5 other hyper dogs. Sorry guys. I did think about it for a minute, but I can only handle saying hi to one dog at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Riley and Murphy must have been excited...and trying to pull you across the street! They are almost too much for me to handle even when they encounter one dog on our walks!
