Thursday, April 28, 2011

Douglas: Goin' on a Duck Hunt

Since February or March, Kylee and Douglas started making the duck pond behind his apartment one of our regular stops along our walks.
These two learned very quickly that the best way to lure the ducks and geese in are with "special duck treats." This can consist of bread, crackers, or popcorn. The hard part: keeping the food away from Douglas. When you throw the food into the water he can't decide which is more exciting, the food or the ducks at close range.
This has become such a routine that if I even now mention a walk with Douglas, Kylee starts mentioning the ducks right away. (It is to the point that if we even drive on the road near the pond, she will start quaking like a duck.)
Douglas has learned quickly that we are not the only people that come along and bring food to the ducks. He tries to scan the area for any leftover handouts. Thankfully, he usually finds nothing or I find it first. Those darn ducks just do such a great clean up job. Poor Douglas!
At the end of our walk there was a little one-year-old that just screamed with excitement when she saw Douglas come around the corner. He was a good sport and survived the petting, the patting, and the squealing. I think you made that little girl's day Douglas.

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