Friday, April 22, 2011

Jake & Charlotte: Where in the World are Jake and Charlotte?

I do not know if many people remember the times of the game show, "Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?" Well, Jake and Charlotte decided to play their own version of this game over the past week while Kylee and I watched them.

We had fun taking pictures of different places that Jake and Charlotte visited or could be found throughout the week:
Their regular haunt: Fairlington Neighborhood. They love sniffing out all of the new scents and making new four-legged friends and catching up with the old.
Fort Ward Park: I do not know if Jake and Charlotte were as intrigued with all of the park's history, but they loved getting attention from anybody passing by that was willing to give a scratch or two.
Home: (their kitchen to be exact) - this is their temporary residence during the day while everything is being prepared to move. I will have to admit that I cannot believe that I was actually able to take a picture with these two not moving and they are both actually LOOKING at me and even at the SAME time.
My car: Charlotte actually had a chance to look out the window without having Jake shoving her into the seat. She made sure to take full advantage of this golden opportunity. Can you tell that someone is a little excited to play ball?
Jake's favorite spot in my car: Kylee's carseat. I always try to make sure to clean her seat thoroughly before anyone hops in but there are still a few crumbs that Jake looks forward to finding here and there.
Utah Dog Park: One of their favorite local dog parks. I love it because Jake the Wiley Coyote can be spotted at all times. This means no mysterious disappearing where he us up to who knows what - (Shirlington Dog Park).
Jake and Charlotte were finally able to catch up with the morning regulars three times this week since the weather is finally starting to warm up. They enjoyed games of tag, fetch, and just having a good sniff here or bark there.

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